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Tag: first draft

Devour – 7

7. Shane was used to men running to him, being out of breath when they arrived in front of him. It meant that he was the most important thing to that person in that moment. “I’m glad you could make it,” said Shane to Emrys. He crossed the distance between…

Devour – 6

6. To be sure he was out, the security guards literally dumped Emrys in front of his truck. Emrys brushed himself off and gave the guys a glare. But they were already heading to the building. He patted his pocket, panicked for a minute when he didn’t feel the paper.…

Devour – 4

4. Emrys looked at the package for the fourth time. “Signature of recipient required. Christopher Shane, Shane Energy Corp.” A week had passed after the party, and Emrys had given up any hope that the spell had worked. He looked up at the steel and glass skyscraper and wondered if…

Devour – 3

3. It was four in the morning when Daniel Emrys stopped the spell. What the hell did he expect? Chris Shane to come walking into his room? I should have told him my address. But that wasn’t in the spell. It was the repetition of the words “Come to me,…